The “Ultimate Classroom”

By Terri Klein

May 24, 2015

This past week was the culmination of my New Science of Happiness six-week interactive workshop and what a gift this workshop has been for me. I was given the opportunity to teach and learn from eight phenomenal women—at last, my “ultimate classroom.”

n 1992 I graduated from Teacher’s College, and so for decades I have been subconsciously preparing: learning, and building content in search of this classroom. As a student of life, my higher education has never ended. Although I did not pursue more than my two degrees in University (Bachelor of Science & Teacher’s Certificate) as I was blessed with the gift of motherhood at an early age, my thirst for growth and my love of learning have led me on a life-long journey of self-discovery. My courses are the books I read, the seminars I attend, the online classes I take, the TED talks I listen to, and most importantly, the curriculum of life.

And my life has been quite the journey—an accumulation of chapters, both light and dark, which have been my greatest learning. Life has proven itself to be the “ultimate curriculum.” It unfolds, with or without your agreement, and you choose just how you’re going to be with it, whatever it is—learning the lessons and acquiring the wisdom along the way.

This past year I decided to embrace my roles as speaker and coach in order to be of service and contribute to the minds and thus to the lives of others. Other than parenthood, acting as coach and teacher has been the most rewarding journey as it has brought purpose, meaning, and fulfillment further into my world.

Having studied the mind and brain for many years now, I am well aware of the power that lies within each and every one of us to transform our lives. Not only do I feel that this is my calling, but as my coach and I discussed in our most recent session, I almost feel like it’s my duty and obligation. I feel driven to expose the truth of the mind and support people who want to change, but who are not sure how to do so or where to begin. I have made the decision to show up fully for these people—and show up fully is what I did in this workshop.

For 6 weeks I created, offered, and delivered what I felt was the most empowering and life-changing content, and for six weeks I felt needed and trusted—believed in and respected. Participants reached out to me for individual coaching, even between sessions, and for me it was pure joy. Nothing means more to me than the look of hope and of possibility—where there was none before—than when eyes light up where they were once clouded.

The Universe gave me this opportunity, and I am forever grateful. And considering all the positive feedback that I’ve received, I believe that the Universe has also given me a nod of approval and would like me to continue “my work.”

When I’m helping others my stomach, as well as my body in general, hurt a little less. When I can be of assistance to another simply by offering a very new perspective or a mindset shift, my heart sings and I feel a deep sense of inner peace. It sounds so damn cheesy, but that’s exactly how I feel. Athletes call it being “in the zone,” and I call it being “in a state of flow.”

I believe wholeheartedly in my offerings, and for this reason, with or without a Masters degree or a Ph. D., people are now choosing to invest in my services with confidence.

And I will no longer be doubtful of this, for if I am, ego will always be there to fill in the gaps—telling me that I’m not good enough, or that I’ve been rejected and am therefore unworthy. I will continue to tame my ego, show up fully, and always say “yes” to what I believe in, until I am given an explicit “no.” (More wise words from my very own phenomenal coach!)

I now foresee a future with many more “ultimate classrooms” for me to teach. And whether as teacher or student, I will continue to learn, grow, and evolve as a human being. I look forward to many more workshops and lectures—to deliver and to attend, in order to find pure joy and “ultimate peace of mind.”

Coach Terri


  1. Well said Terri!

  2. beautiful post. looking forward to one day being in an ‘ultimate classroom.’


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