
Mid-Life Introspection: The Truth of Life

Mid-Life Introspection: The Truth of Life

Every so often when I reflect on my life, I find myself returning to rhyme, to express life’s greatest lessons as they have evolved for me over time. We do not walk down a single path, on a road that’s predictable, certain, and straight. Oftentimes we trek through the...

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The Reign of Pain – Again!

The Reign of Pain – Again!

Become mindful of it and acknowledge its presence, but don’t let it own you, define you, consume and devour you. Find comfort in the discomfort, they say, lean into the pain. Embrace it and even befriend it. Your suffering is an invitation to your growth. So uncover...

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The Unspoken Truth… about Ageing and Purpose:

The Unspoken Truth… about Ageing and Purpose:

Finding meaning and attaching to a worthy cause can literally transform one’s life—and at any age! I would like to share a fascinating story with you. This past year, I’ve seen a woman’s life transformed right before my very eyes. She happens to be my 88 year-old dear...

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The Essence of Circle

The Essence of Circle

This past week I had my host training for Women’s Wellness Circle up in Uxbridge. The training truly resonated with me, but there was one thing in particular that really sealed the deal for me—it was this idea of circle.  Being that I had not yet experienced a...

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Summertime is filled with a beautiful energy—with longer days to celebrate life, vibrant colors and scents filling nature’s landscape, and more time to reflect. I am so grateful for the warmth and beauty of summer. Although I have written all of my blogs in prose,...

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The Facebook Fallacy

The Facebook Fallacy

Last week I was speaking with my children about how to expand my reach in order to impact more people as speaker and coach, and they encouraged me to increase my Facebook presence. Being that I am not a great fan of social media, especially Facebook, I did express...

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Seeking to Clarify Purpose:

Seeking to Clarify Purpose:

In Week two of my Thinkaholism workshop, we begin the process of transforming our stories by first examining our core values and trying to identify our purpose. In previous blogs, I have spoken to the importance of living a meaningful and purposeful life. In this...

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Your Thinking is Optional. (What do you Think?)

Your Thinking is Optional. (What do you Think?)

In today's blog, I would like to expand upon some of the concepts that I introduced in my January blog, entitled Confessions of a Thinkaholic. I believe that so many of us seek out external pleasures in our attempts to alleviate our suffering and/or fill an internal...

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The Paradox of Our Times

The Paradox of Our Times

I think that most of us live it every day, but do we see it, do we feel it—do we understand the paradox of our times? I never fully grasped the concept of paradox before—I think I understood it intellectually but not emotionally. Just the other day, I listened to an...

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Confessions of a Thinkaholic

Confessions of a Thinkaholic

As Anais Nin, the novelist, writes, “We do not see things as they are—we see things as we are.” I could not agree more! Here’s why. This past November I had a cold virus that kept me home for more than two weeks, and what I found myself doing more than ever was...

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