
Control and Choice

Control and Choice

My most recent fascination has been with what is known as Stoicism, which seems to have become the “new Zen.” Stoicism is a school of philosophy that was founded in Athens. The philosophy states that “Virtue (meaning, chiefly, the four cardinal virtues of...

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Reading To Heal

Reading To Heal

As a student of life, I’m a collector of books. I may not be the fastest reader, but I am a passionate one. Books have also become my friends and most loyal companions. I purchase them to support my favorite writers and so I can annotate and diarize my thoughts within...

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Kindness – Ted Lasso Style

Kindness – Ted Lasso Style

This year as September approached, no bolt of lightning struck offering me a timely topic to discuss. And so, I waited…and waited…and continued to watch my new favorite TV show, Ted Lasso. And then it hit me, how could I not write about this show? (No major spoiler...

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Every “Part” Deserves Love

Every “Part” Deserves Love

It’s natural to see things as either black or white, good or bad, right or wrong. It’s the way we’ve been taught to think, in “either or” language. We’re either sick or healthy, weak or strong, broken or whole etc. All of us, at some point, have been labeled and...

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Re-entry Reservations

Re-entry Reservations

What I’m hearing about the re-entry process is that one’s response to it depends, to a large extent, on one’s age. Of course, there are many other variables and conditions that would make it an entirely individual response, but I’m referring to averages.  Many...

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The Power of the Pause

The Power of the Pause

In his book, Say What You Mean, Oren Jay Sofer writes, “If I could teach people only one tool for training in presence it would be to pause. The space of one pause can make a world of difference…The pause is pregnant with possibility. In one breath, we can notice...

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A Poem and a Prayer

A Poem and a Prayer

Now in the midst of our second COVID spring, the cycle is repeating itself as we move through what feels like a never-ending global pandemic.  It has been said that COVID has magnified many of our pre-existing conditions and emotional states. For many it has also...

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Listening to Understand

Listening to Understand

Do you consider yourself to be a good communicator? Do you carefully choose your words when you speak? Do you listen to understand or are you simply waiting to reply? Perhaps one day you should ask those who are frequently in conversation with you, their thoughts....

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The REAL Hero’s Journey

The REAL Hero’s Journey

The hero’s journey has been defined as a story template that consists of a hero going on a journey, learning a lesson, winning a victory, and being “transformed.” For a full year now, we have all shared in a journey around a global pandemic. Life was interrupted...

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The Buddhist Approach of Strong Back, Soft Front

The Buddhist Approach of Strong Back, Soft Front

Strong back soft front is a metaphor with a very powerful message that has been discussed by many spiritual teachers, including Tara Brach, Brene Brown, & Elizabeth Lesser. But the concept was originated by Zen Buddhist Roshi Joan Halifax. She describes it as...

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