It greets me first every morning
And also tucks me into bed
It’s my constant companion
The voice within my head
I set every intention to lose it
To give it wings—to set it free
Yet it always chooses to stay
And to inhabit ALL of me
My overthinking mind is very much like yours
I’m at its beck and call
It orders, commands, and loves to take charge
It’s not a program I would ever choose to install
But evolution deemed this necessary
To help me to survive
Yet my wants are so much greater
So now I’m choosing also to thrive
I’ve had enough of my unhealthy stories
I’ve had enough of “mind-made” me
There is a greater vision
That my future self can see
Beyond the overthinking
And all of my false truths
Beyond the limiting beliefs
That still remain with me from my youth
Yes, I’ve suffered because I’ve been bullied
Yet it is I who am to blame
It is my self-created “stories of struggle”
That constrict me time and again
By the way, this realization
Took years to unfold
And I can promise you, without question
That it is worth its weight in gold
There is nothing more valuable
Than a peaceful mind and an open heart
Mind training is immeasurable
And it’s the only place to start
But it has to become a daily practice
To rewrite your script and to rewire
For you are teaching your miraculous brain
A completely new way to fire
Remember, you’ve been using specific words
Thinking specific thoughts, and behaving one way
You’ve developed habits, good and bad
That you’ve been living and supporting each day
It’s the inner work that will lead you
To overall ease and well-being
There is nothing more transformative
And ultimately freeing
Than rewriting your most important stories
And creating new versions of self
And learning just how to prioritize
Your state of mental health
I’ve stopped needing to fix every part of me
And everything I deem wrong in another
I spend less time wanting for life to be different
And so I’m a much better person and mother
And so whatever life may throw my way
I now have a tremendous toolkit with a golden key
One that I can choose to open
As needed—just for me
So yes, it still greets me first every morning,
And also tucks me into bed
It remains my constant companion
But it’s a new and improved voice within my head
Because I have learned how to manage it
And I continue to train it well
My mind and I have developed a new partnership
With a new and enriched life story to tell
You too, can learn how to do this
Your trained mind can be at your beck and call
It will be kinder, gentler, and more mindful
A program you would gladly choose to install!
We have a duty to evolve the brain
And a very real obligation
To change collective consciousness
For every future generation
Essential? Absolutely
Possible and doable? Oh yes
The alternative…it’s not pretty
Underlying unhappiness and chronic stress
So let’s make this happen—
One person at a time
The responsibility needs to be shared
For it is both yours and mine
Coach Terri
So well written and heartfelt Terri. Keep up the good work.